Logistics/Distribution/Hotel Sector

로지스밸리 비앤에프

Global Business Partners Driving the Global Growth of K-Brands such as K-Beauty and K-Fashion


We discover promising domestic brands and, together with global marketing experts, develop successful strategies that can increase both brand value and sales performance. Through this, we create the strength for companies to grow healthily.

Global Market Expansion

Utilizing our global local foundation of 46 subsidiaries in 22 countries worldwide, we efficiently support country-specific licensing and permits, and establish local online and offline sales distribution networks.

Domestic and Global Fulfillment System

LogisValley's global fulfillment system, with a total of 40 domestic logistics centers (approximately 2.5 million square meters) and 29 global logistics centers (approximately 400,000 square meters), provides essential and powerful logistics services for brands expanding overseas.